Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I love to recycle things-now.  When I was young, I thought you had to have new things.  I thought things had to look really good, and reusing things for another reason other than what they were designed for-was not an option then.  Recycling then ---was plastic bottle, glass and stuff like that.

 But today, with a small farm-I recycle a lot of stuff.  I no longer need to have things look just so...perfection like that, I do think it is prideful.  It does not mean you have to be sloppy, but to waste things that could be used elsewhere, is wrong.  It is not being a good steward.
So here are some of our recyclable things around the farm!

Her is one of 2 gates to one of my gardens that is made out of trimmed branches from bushes that actually grow right beside the garden!  Each year I have to trim the bushes, and can reuse the branches for things like this, or we will use them to be kindling for fires.
Below is the other gate.

I have a close line that begins right out my back door, with that end on the house and the other end on the garage.  Both ends have rollers, so the close line --I can pull it (rolling) to hand the clothes.  
this photo is really grainy, but it shows the other roller...

and yes, that if twine that is used on the farm!  My other line broke (regular close line) and I need to go to a special store to get a replacement one long enough! 

This is currently a gate to another garden.  It use to be the side of a crib.

Here is the gate, to the chicken yard.  The bottom is an old crib bed  spring.  The top is lattice board.  (yes a double gate) we sometimes keep the lattice board one open and keep the crib spring closed.  The black 'belt' holding the gate closed, is an old large dog collar. (hinges are on the other side) 

this shelf, is a wire shelf that use to  be in our house.  It fits in a corner, we used it for a number of years, then spray painted it and used it at our oldest sons wedding--it works now in the garden to allow the peas to grow up on! It is about 4 feet tall and has 3 of the shelves like you see here---

well that is it for now!